fantasy story about the nature trail

             Thursday 24th November
SWOOOSH!there was are very strange noise outside.The girls were fast asleep when SUDDENLY the two of them shot up 'Oh no please don't tell me  it's another TORNADO we've had them heaps' 'I know'.Brittany was 12 she had brown hair with pink strips,Haily was 13 she had black hair and purple strips they kind of looked the same.They ran to there parents room,they looked under the cover but they didn't find them they started to cry,  and sob almost as if they would cry forever and ever.They sprinted out to look at the garden and it was not there,it was as if it had just turned invisible.Then out of the corner of there eye they saw the TORNADO it was heading straight for them.They screamed so loud that the sheep got a fright (i don't mean a little fright,i mean a BIG fright) as soon as they started to run away they didn't notice that the TORNADO was wright behind them,but  they didn't  want to turn around because then they would have to STOP,they slowed down a bit then the TORNADO sucked them up ''AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH''they SHOUTED.After like a thousand hours they finally 


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