
Showing posts from July, 2017

Tongue Twisters

Tongue Twisters In room 8 we have been learning about tongue twisters and these are my ones hope you like them and please if you can try them out. 1.B  Beach balls bounce by the big bumble bee 3x. 2.K  Kitten kicks,Kitten licks 3x 3.W Can a white whale whisper while wearing white pants 3x. 4.E  Elephants eat eight eggs 3x. 5.AIL   Hail bail tail Snail 3x.

Cinqauin Ideas

Title:                Movies   (syllables) Subject (2) Description(4) Action(6) Feeling(8) Conclusion(2) Room 8 did some Cinquain Poems and our teacher said ‘’that it doesn't have to rhyme’’. My one is about the movies I hope you enjoy it. Movies Are great to watch Chewing popcorn chomp chomp Feeling excited to watch it 3d. Also I made another one about someone that is very special to me …my dad. My dad Loves to play the drums They bang very loudly I love him to the moon father

Ko te aha te wa

Ratu te 15 o whiringa-a-Rangi this morning I learnt how to ask whats the time in moari this is how you ask whats the time ''Ko te aha te wa''and that is  how you say what is the time.

New Zealand

                                                New Zealand          We thought of making a paper mashe about  New Zealand , Because  New Zealand is the most safest country,its not to hot and its not to cold.Also New Zealand has safe Animals not like Gorillas,Crocodiles,Alligators,Snakes, tranchulas,piranhas,Bears and Lions. New Zealand has also got a safe zoo so it can contact more birds or animals too fly over and become New Zealand  animals.

fantasy story about the nature trail

              Thursday 24th November SWOOOSH! there was are very strange noise outside.The girls were fast asleep when SUDDENLY the two of them shot up  ' Oh no please don't tell me  it's another TORNADO we've had them heaps' 'I know'.Brittany was 12 she had brown hair with pink strips,Haily was 13 she had black hair and purple strips they kind of looked the same.They ran to there parents room,they looked under the cover but they didn't find them they started to cry,  and sob almost as if they would cry forever and ever.They sprinted out to look at the garden and it was not there,it was as if it had just turned invisible.Then out of the corner of there eye they saw the TORNADO it was heading straight for them.They screamed so loud that the sheep got a fright (i don't mean a little fright,i mean a BIG fright) as soon as they started to run away they didn't notice that the TORNADO was wright behind them,but  they didn't  want to turn around b

The art exhibition

                                        Once we got to the hall I was so amazed by all the art and artists and, wait is that my Auntie? oh yes it is she is doing some chalk art, she is drawing a tui on a really big long stick with a peace of chalk at the end that sounds really strange and hard doesn't it? A little while later I heard some other people saying stuff about my auntie   The next art I saw was the origami animals it was so EXCITING there were dinosaurs and even a creepy crawly guess what it was?.It was a spider 'rrrrrrr' it gave me a little shiver  and then  I went to our Principal  to see what she was doing,she was sewing bags so that when you go to the supermarket you don't have to use plastic bags.Then our teacher said that we have to go back to class so i said goodbye to all the artists and then Room 8 and Room 1 went back to their class. 


Pointillism Materials Search a picture with flowers in a vase Cotton buds paint Sketching pencil/pencil Piece of paper Instructions First get a piece of paper. Get some cotton buds maybe four or more. Also get some paint any colors  that you like. Then get a pencil. Search up a picture that you like but it has to be a pointillism picture. Then with the paint,cotton buds,the piece of paper and the picture,draw the picture very lightly with the pencil draw the picture. Once you have finished drawing the picture with a pencil get a cotton bud and pick a color. Dip one end of the cotton bud in the color that you choose then carefully dab it on the outline of the pot or the flower or the background. Once you have done the outline of everything do that until it fills all the white spaces. Then all you have do is wait until it's all dry.

The Dish Washing Machine

It was nearly christmas Emily was down in the attic clinking away (clink clink)’’Emily where are you?you’re  going to be late for school’’ ‘’Coming mum’’Emily said rushing around trying to find a sheet to cover it all up.In the car Emily tried not to burst out the big secret ...After school as soon as Emily stepped inside she darted down to the attic and started working on it Emily calls it the dish washing machine it comes with a cord that you have to plug into the wall it has two hands at the end and all you need to do is give it all the stuff you want washed and the scrubber thing and it will get to work and it also is waterproof. Emily would like to give it to her parents at christmas because they hate doing the dishes i’m not sure about you but they absolutely hate it. At school the next day Emily bought it to school because  she had finally finished it,her class was the first to see it.The’re  were only two more days left at school until the six week  holid