Lost on an Island

Lost on an Island

Annabel was very poor. One afternoon she went to a show. On her way back she found 50'c on the ground, she picked it up and took it home.When she was a few steps away from home she  discovered a golden boat  parked peacefully on the side of the wharf.(It was beautiful)''oooooooohhhh wow that's the most beautiful boat Iv'e ever seen''said Annabel whispering to herself.''Well I suppose I can go for a LITTLE sail on that boat ,i'll be back  in time for tea''.So she hopped into the boat,the boat started to wobble .

(Woosh!) a gust of wind toppled the boat side to side "waaaaa"Anna tried to steady the boat . But she leaned over to much that she toppled right off the boat ''Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa''Anna screamed (splash!) "help,help,someone help me please"Anna yelled out at the top of her lungs that her throat started to hurt. All of a sudden something pulled her down she tried  and tried to reach up to the top of the wharf but it was to high all she could see a patch of blur.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       A little while later Anna was washed up ashore (Whoosh,splash,Whoosh)..........Anna's face was covered with sand.A couple of minutes later Anna woke up ''p,p,p,yuck that's disgusting''Anna spat out the sand from her mouth.She peered up at the sun it was going down really fast then she turned around and saw a gigantic image of a forest ''I,I,is this real''I thought to myself ''it can't be'' I said aloud ''shh'' somebody said it from out of nowhere ''who's there''I shouted I saw two gleaming green eyes staring at me from behind the bushes .''Ah''I did a short scream ''sh it's alright i'm not going to hurt you i'm a human just like you'' he whispered ''I,I,I know I just got a fright with you standing right there''.''Oh sorry I  didn't  mean to give you  fright'' ''that's alright''.''Is there anyone else here?'' ''no I don'think so I only just got here Ihaven't gone exploring or anything,so I don't know''.''Anyway what is your name''?Anna asked ''Jack''Jack answered ''what is yours?''he asked ''mine is Anna short for Annabel,who's that?'' Anna said as someone unexpectedly came out of the bushes.''I don't know''''Hi i'm Jess what is your name?''Jess asked 


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