
Showing posts from September, 2017

My term reflection

During the term I have been trying to pass all my goals from maths and writing and especially cross country.I tried to do my hardest.I noticed that I might be getting better at writing because I nearly am a level 3 writer. In Genius hour I learnt That working with clay is is pretty hard because you have to make sure there are no cracks in it.5 One day I noticed that our rainbow playground had been washed away, day after ay I saw that a new one was getting built. When it had finally finished it looked awesome, to be honest I was a little bit jealous because we are not allowed on it at play times.

What is an earthquake?

What is an earthquake? An earthquake takes place when two blocks of earth suddenly slip past one another. The surface where they slip is called a fault place. What causes earthquakes and where do they happen?the earth has four major layers the inner core,outer core,mantle and crust.               An earthquake can sometimes have four shocks.These are smaller earthquakes that happen in the same place, before a larger earthquake takes place.                 The largest mainshock.Main shocks are always followed by aftershocks that occur in the same place. They can continue for weeks, months, or even years after the mainshock. An earthquake is a disaster with two plates of earth rubbing against each other.

Taratahi Kaya and Maria


Genius hour art version

The rolling dice

Waiting in silence at the edge of the cliff, we watched the black and white coloured dice roll on the sandy beach covered with shells. The sky darkened as I peered up at it, wondering how the dice had got their in the first place. After a few minutes we were drenched from the storm. The hut that we built got struck by lightning. That’s when Chloe my little sister started crying, specks of tiny salty tears ran down her cheeks. Jaden my older brother was worrying about us “what if mum has forgotten about picking us up,” he explained.

The interesting mural

Scanning the interesting mural wondering how busy it would be right now. Then my eyes turned to take a glimpse of an outstanding TANIWHA with c o l o u r f u l blends of c o l o u r s all over it. Examining the artwork checking if I can recognize some bits like the Lego looking tongue of the dog or the farm family or even the huge rocks, one has a humongous rocky coat.After looking at all the different parts of the mural we found our way back to the classroom and started writing our interesting story.

Maori wordle


Maori ahua
